
Patricia Reiners

Patricia Reiners

Top 5 most important UX topics for 2020 So many things have changed in the last year for us as UX/Product designers. We are living in an extremely exciting and interesting time where we need to be aware of the changes as well as demands on the job market to keep up to date and […]

Why stealing ideas from science fiction will kill UX! Top 5 future trends for our interfaces (2020) Please, don’t get ”inspired” by science fiction! But what is the first thing that comes in your mind when you think about interfaces of the future? Probably things we have seen in movies like iron man or star […]

8 Use Cases for the Metaverse Web 3.0 — The (R)evolution of the Internet Zuckerberg defines the metaverse as follows: “The metaverse is an embodied internet that you’re inside of rather than just looking at.” With Internet 1.0, you were basically only able to consume content from screens. We surfed websites, looked up contact de

It’s time for the next step: from individualistic design to socially centered design Why User Centred Design isn’t forward-looking It is worth taking a brief look at developments over the last few decades. User Centred Design (UCD) is an approach to designing interactive systems that places the user and their needs at the centre of [&hel

How to Prototype VR Designs Without Code With every week that passes I get more and more excited about the possibilities new innovations in virtual reality (VR) provide. At the same time, what we really need now are use cases — cases where VR makes sense and provides value. During my time as a creative resident at […]

What COVID-19 taught us about the: 5 things that will change the way we work and life forever I spend the last year exploring our future cities together with Adobe and focussed especially on the future of work and how new technologies might change the way we work and life. Even before the pandemic, there […]

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