
Patricia Reiners

Patricia Reiners

Group 2014

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AI for Designers

At the beginning of May, the AI for Designers course starts its next round, and here you can easily sign up for the waiting list. Additionally, upon registration you receive:

Do you want to learn more about AI, UX, and the future of design?

Feel free to follow me on Instagram for regular updates and exciting insights into the world of AI and design.


And if you’re looking to dive deeper into the subject, don’t miss out on my podcast, ‘Future of UX,’ where I discuss everything from UX to the future of design and much more. See you there!

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Wohooo Exciting news from Config! 🚀  Figma just rolled out a cool new feature where you can generate UI layouts and component options just by describing what you need. How awesome is that? 🙌  Over time, it’ll even use design systems like Google’s Material 3 kit, and eventually, you’ll be able to generate on-brand UI using your own design system assets. Perfect for kickstarting projects and keeping things consistent across the board.  WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?  Don’t miss out – sign up for beta testing now! 🎉 #Figma #Config2024 #DesignMagic #AIDesign
I found this funny quote and it really got me thinking.
Because it says exactly what I feel:  Although I have a dishwasher and luckily don’t have to wash my dishes by hand, my “dishwashing” tasks are, for me personally:  🍽️ Creating meeting summaries 
🍽️ Writing texts like podcast descriptions, emails, blog posts, newsletters 
🍽️ Proofreading texts 
🍽️ Translating texts 
🍽️ Setting up workshop boards 
🍽️ Sorting Post-its and potentially transferring them from analog to digital 
🍽️ Creating various design versions 
🍽️ Creating detailed visuals for presentations, like mock-ups for products or prototypes  My „dity dishes“ are piling up here, and there’s actually a lot more...
On the other hand, my art mainly takes place in my mind. I’m not an artist, but the activities that make me feel like I’m creating something artistic or exciting are not directly art, but rather...
Thinking about what I want to say in a blog post Doing online research on various topics Having discussions with colleagues on topics Planning prototypes for projects Giving presentations, talks, and workshops  I love these things and much more in my daily work.  I’d love to hear from you: what are your “plates” that you’d like AI to clean up for you? Feel free to share in the comments.  If you’re interested in diving deeper as a designer and gaining solid knowledge:  ✨✨✨sign up for the 30 min AI mini Training for 0€ - yo don’t need to pay anything.  👉Just comment “AI mini training” and I’ll send you the link in a private message.
Best books about the future of tech for designers 📚  1️⃣ Future Ethics - Cennydd Bowles  2️⃣ UX for XR - Cornel Hillmann  3️⃣ Spatial Web - Gabriel Rene  4️⃣ The infinite Retina - Irene Cronin  What is your favourite book for designers?
✨ New text-to-video tool that actually works called Dream Machine.  In the last few months, several other text-to-video tools have been made public: Sora from OpenAI, Veo from Google Deepmind, and Kling from KWAI (China). However, nothing is currently available to the general public except for Dream Machine, which is pretty much ready to use now.  It works very simply, and you can test it for free. Enter a prompt like “brown fluffy dog with glasses working on a MacBook,” and then you just have to wait about 2 minutes for the video to be ready. Here is the result, really cool, right?  This shows once again how quickly these tools are developing.  Comment “AI mini training” and I send you the link in a private message ✨
UX UPDATES: New UX Capabilities with the Siri Upgrades 📱  Yesterday, I tuned into the WWDC keynote, and everything played out just as expected. One thing, in particular, stood out to me...  Apple’s new approach to AI, dubbed “Apple Intelligence,” is incredibly smart. But what really caught my attention were the updates to Siri.
It was clear that updates were coming, and it’s no surprise that AI tools like the AI Pin or Rabbit R1 felt half-baked in comparison. After this conference, it’s obvious that the most important functionalities are seamlessly integrated into Siri on the iPhone.  Here’s a quick overview of the key features:  📱 Siri Actions Across Apps: Siri can now take action within and across apps. For instance, you can send an article from Apple News to a group thread in Messages. Third-party apps will also benefit from Siri’s new enhancements.  🙋 Personal Context Integration: Siri now leverages broader personal context, allowing it to search through your entire device. You can ask it to “show me things I sent Todd last week,” and it will.  💬 Text-Based Interaction: You can now interact with Siri via text, correct your statements in real-time, and enjoy a new, more integrated look within the operating system.  ✨ ChatGPT integration: Apple announced that Siri can tap into OpenAI’s ChatGPT when needed.  While I didn’t find the current examples particularly impressive, what’s important is that they show the direction in which the user experience at Apple—and likely many apps and applications in general—is evolving.  Why Is This  Interesting for Designers?  Siri’s ability to take actions autonomously might remind some of Rabbit R1 and large-action models. From a user experience perspective, this is interesting!!!  Instead of users having to go through every step from problem to solution, they simply make a request, and Siri handles the rest across various apps. This represents a whole new way of interaction.  Additionally, apps can now have predefined actions for Siri. As UX designers, this is something we need to keep on our radar when developing apps.  What are your thoughts? Curious to hear

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Live Training for 0€ – Top 3 Secrets to Avoid Common Pitfalls

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