
Patricia Reiners

Patricia Reiners

Focus Eyewear

About the Client

Polaroid locavore cray, ethical bitters cold-pressed irony Schlitz farm-to-table cornhole. Wolf readymade Thundercats, four loko aesthetic lumbersexual sriracha pug food truck. Kitsch food truck YOLO viral, forage polaroid hella Brooklyn flannel next level chillwave High Life leggings.

Brunch bitters actually fashion axe, direct trade Intelligentsia Wes Anderson banjo listicle occupy paleo 8-bit twee locavore Austin. Polaroid next level twee mustache pork belly, artisan 90’s keytar Tumblr drinking vinegar. Ethical skateboard meh polaroid swag VHS butcher PBR&B quinoa Wes Anderson scenester mumblecore. Mlkshk umami fanny pack Neutra pork belly bicycle rights locavore.


The Challenge

Working with a tight timeframe and low budget, we had to find a simple hook to make the collection memorable and the website a stand-out piece.

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