
Patricia Reiners

Patricia Reiners


AI for Designers: Your Safest Shortcut to Mastering AI in Design


5 -week online program


4 Live Calls for reflections and Q&A 


2-3 hours weekly workload


Next cohort starts:Jan 24th, 2024


Access to the private Community


AI for Designers: Your Safest Shortcut to Mastering AI in Design


5 -week online program


4 Live Calls for reflections and Q&A 


2-3 hours weekly workload


Next cohort starts:Jan 24th, 2024


Access to AI for Designer Community

Say Goodbye to Tool Chaos and Future Fears!

Boost Creativity with AI Tools

Learn to leverage AI for unprecedented creative solutions. Our course will expand your creative toolkit, giving you the ability to generate unique designs and concepts that stand out in the marketplace.

Streamline Design Workflows

AI isn’t just about creativity; it’s also about efficiency. We’ll show you how to integrate AI into your design process, speeding up tasks from ideation to execution, allowing you to deliver projects faster without compromising quality.

Future-Proof Your Design Skills

The design industry is evolving rapidly with AI at the forefront. Our course prepares you to stay relevant and competitive by mastering the latest AI technologies that are reshaping the design landscape.

Who is it for?

Agency Designers

Enhance your efficiency with AI in our AI for Designers course. Learn to integrate AI seamlessly into your projects and use it as a powerful tool for client collaboration.


Stand out with AI proficiency. Attract better projects and increase productivity by smartly incorporating AI into your workflows.

In-House Designers

Elevate your career with AI insights. Our course will help you uncover impactful AI design opportunities and broaden your role, making you a key player in your company.

Designer Entrepreneurs

Propel your ventures with AI. Dive into real-world case studies in our course, equipping you with the know-how to excel in venture design and optimize your workflow effectively.”

Who is it for?

Agency Designers

Enhance your efficiency with AI in our AI for Designers course. Learn to integrate AI seamlessly into your projects and use it as a powerful tool for client collaboration.


Stand out with AI proficiency. Attract better projects and increase productivity by smartly incorporating AI into your workflows.

In-House Designers

Elevate your career with AI insights. Our course will help you uncover impactful AI design opportunities and broaden your role, making you a key player in your company.

Designer Entrepreneurs

Propel your ventures with AI. Dive into real-world case studies in our course, equipping you with the know-how to excel in venture design and optimize your workflow effectively.”

Your Shortcut to the future

Welcome to AI for Designer

Join us on a 5-week journey with 'AI for Designers,' starting with the exploration and hands-on experimentation of various AI tools. Progress to practical applications and seamless integration into your personal workflows. Culminate in the Connect phase, where you'll link it all together and strategically prepare for the future.

Sneak peak into the course

Learn in just 5 weeks how to integrate AI in your Design workflows

Understanding Generative AI

Text Generation Tools and LLMs

Image and Visual Generation

Diving into AI workflows

Creating AI-Enhanced Designs

Beyond the Hype

2024: Outpace, Outdesign, Outshine with AI.

Boost in Productivity

Picture this: Your ideas flow like a relentless river, iterations take hours instead of days, and clients marvel at your speed and ingenuity. With AI, your creativity knows no bounds, and your efficiency becomes legendary.

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Future-Proofed Professional Path

Imagine a design career as dynamic as the tech that fuels it. In the fast-flowing river of innovation, you’re not just swimming; you’re steering the current. Your AI expertise makes you the adaptable hero in a story of evergreen relevance and demand.

Group 2014

Pioneer of the Digital Frontier

AI isn’t just your tool; it’s your co-conspirator in crafting the future. As you meld AI with your creative vision, you’re not just part of the digital landscape – you’re carving it, leading the way into uncharted realms of innovation and breathtaking visuals

The countdown is on, the registration closes in ...


We are in this together

5 Powerfull Weeks Of Learning AI for Designers


4 Live Calls

You can look forward to four live calls featuring reflective sessions on the modules and time for questions. 

These calls will take place in the evenings at 6 PM CET. All sessions will be recorded, allowing you to conveniently watch them at your own pace later on.


Private Slack Channel

You’ll have access to our private Slack channel. This is the place where you can ask questions, share your assignments, and connect with the community

Learning videos

Watch on Demand Videos

Each week, exciting learning videos await you, designed to advance your skills step by step. You can watch the videos at your own pace, in total comfort.


Notion workspace

You’ll receive a comprehensive Notion document packed with all the course details, summaries, and insights. It’s designed to help you keep up with everything and stay on top of your game.


Weekly Assignments

Every week, you’ll be greeted with an assignment that allows you to apply what you’ve learned directly. As a bonus, throughout the course, you’ll be working on your own small AI project.

Here are your success boosters

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Bonus Midjourney Guide

Bonus lesson about Midjourney Prompting with an additional pdf Cheatsheet

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Cheat sheets and templates for tools help you jump straight into implementation.

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Weekly Q&A

You can submit questions before our reflection calls, which we will then discuss live, ensuring no question goes unanswered


I am Patricia

Whether I’m delivering keynotes for Fortune 500 companies, collaborating on innovation concepts with major clients, or conducting workshops for design agencies, my focus is always on the future of design. With over 10 years of experience researching future technologies and trends for designers, I am deeply immersed in the evolution of our industry. Through my podcast ‘Future of UX’ and my work with clients, I continuously explore and share insights on how the design field is progressing. My goal is to make these insights accessible and engaging, whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in the world of design


Talks & Keynote about the Future of UX


Years of experience in the field


Podcast episodes with leadings experts in the field


Follower on Social Media

Group 2014

The thing is, you can either continue to waste time or take control of your future. . Join us for a five-week journey to fast-track into the future together


The success secret of AI for Designers

AI-Explorer framework

1. Discover

2. Apply

3. Connect

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Our courses AI-Explorer Framework

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Start your journey with the Discover phase, where you’ll everything around AI tools. Imagine it like starting an exciting new adventure, learning about the tools and ideas that make AI exciting for designers

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Text Generation Tools and LLMs

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Image and Visual Generation

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Next, in the Apply phase, you’ll start using what you’ve learned. It’s like using a map to find your way through a new city. You’ll practice using AI in your designs, making your ideas come to life. It’s all about applying what you learned.

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Diving into AI workflows

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Creating AI-Enhanced Designs

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The final part of your journey is the Connect phase. Think of it as meeting fellow travelers around a campfire, sharing stories and tips. Here, you’ll join others, discuss what you’ve learned, and get ready for the future of design with AI

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AI Roadmap - Beyond the Hype

well done !

Sign up now

Join us on the 5-week adventure in the future of AI


5 -week online program


2-3 hours weekly workload


4 Live Calls for reflections and Q&A


Next cohort starts:Jan 24th, 2024


Access to AI for Designer Community


AI for Designer Notion doc 


Power Prompt Template


Midjourney Deep Dive




One-time payment

799,- €


Save payment via

Group 2061

Sign up now

Join us on the 5-week adventure in the future of AI


5 -week online program


2-3 hours weekly workload


4 Live Calls for reflections and Q&A


Next cohort starts:Jan 24th, 2024


Access to AI for Designer Community


AI for Designer Notion doc 


Power Prompt Template


Midjourney Deep Dive




One-time payment

799,- €


Save payment via

Group 2061

Questions & Answers

When do the live calls take place and will there be recordings?

The live calls take place on Wednesdays at 6 PM CET. The first kickoff call is on January 24th, followed by the Reflection for phase 1 Discover on February 7th, the call for Phase 2 Apply on February 21st, and the final call for the Connect Phase on February 28th. All live calls are recorded, and you will receive the recordings directly in the interface afterwards.

Is the course suitable for beginners?

Yes, you can start the course as an absolute beginner. I’ve designed it so that everything is explained from the beginning, and if there are any questions, feel free to write them in our community group and we will help you out. The course is thus a perfect entry point for you into the topic of AI for Designers.

What is the relationship between learning videos and live calls?

Each week, for every module, there are 5-6 learning videos that you should watch. At the end, there’s also an assignment. In the reflection live call for each phase, we summarize the phase, clarify questions, and discuss current updates.

Do you get a certificate?

Yes, there is a certificate. However, it’s important that you complete all assignments to receive it.

Do I need specific tools?

I recommend subscribing to ChatGPT Premium for the duration of the course. However, it’s not a must.


How is the course structured?

The course consists of three major phases in our course framework: Discover, Apply, Connect. We start with the Connect phase first with Module 1 on text generation tools, and the following week on image generation tools in the Discover phase. The goal is to explore all tools, get familiar with them, and try out a lot. In the second phase, Apply, it’s about integrating everything into the workflows, more hands-on. Then, in Week 3, we move to the Module AI workflows, and Week 4 AI-enhanced designs. The final phase, Connect, is meant to connect what we’ve learned with reality and the future. We reflect again and look beyond the hype. In this phase, we develop our future strategy and our own AI learning roadmap.

How are the modules structured?

We always work together on a module: Week 1 Module text generation tools, Week 2 image and visual generation tools, Week 3 AI workflows, Week 4 AI-enhanced designs, Week 5 beyond the hype. For each week, there is an assignment that helps you apply what you have learned.

How much time should I plan per week?

About 2-3 hours. Just plan for 30 minutes each day. Of course, you can do more, but 30 minutes per day is the minimum.

More Questions?

Write me an email and I will get back to you asap.



Here you can already get a sneak peek into the course platform

Here you can see the 6 modules that await you in AI for Designers. Each module features learning videos with engaging content

AI for Designer course structure

Look forward to 6 cutting-edge modules.


Understanding Gen AI

Before diving into the main course, take advantage of the Pre-Course module. This is where you’ll learn the basics about AI, including what generative AI is, AI models, and large language models. It’s the perfect introduction to get you primed and ready for the comprehensive journey ahead in the course

Text Generation Tools and LLMs

Unlock the secrets to commanding conversational AIs. This week, you’ll grasp the art of prompt crafting with ChatGPT, delve into advanced prompting strategies, and get savvy about the quirks and limitations of language models. It’s all about setting the foundation for AI fluency.


Image and Visual Generation

Take a guided tour through the diverse AI tool ecosystem. You’ll learn to generate stunning AI visuals, and we’ll introduce you to groundbreaking tools that will transform your approach to design, whether it’s for web, interface, or video projects. Get ready to expand your toolkit!

Diving into AI workflows

Experience the synergy of working alongside AI. This week is all about integrating AI into your workflow to streamline your creative process. Through real-life examples and case studies, you’ll see how AI collaboration can lead to success in design projects.


Creating AI-Enhanced Designs

Dive into the future of design with AI at your side. You’ll explore AI’s role in crafting innovative design solutions and walk through detailed workflow examples that show AI’s potential. Plus, gain insights into designing products specifically tailored for AI integration.

Desinging Beyond the hype

Gaze into the crystal ball of design’s future with AI. We’ll contemplate the broader impact of AI on society and business, and you’ll begin to map out your own AI learning journey. By connecting the dots, you’ll be ready to forge new paths in the ever-evolving landscape of AI-powered design.


Additionally, there are four live training sessions that reflect the module and where you can ask questions.

Copyright © Patricia Reiners 2024  Impessum | Data Privacy| AGB

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